I will always remember when you taught me year after year in primary
I will always remember how you helped me learn the articles of faith
I will always remember the moments you made me laugh
I will always remember how you made me look forward to halloween even more
I will always remember how you didn't like my black car and how you liked my red car better
I will always remember how you pretended that you spied on me and my doorstep moments in high school (you were just making that up, right?)
I will always remember how when you play or sing, you bring tears to my eyes
I will always remember your caring smile
But most of all,
I will always remember how you made me feel.

Thank you for loving me, Randy.
You are missed and loved.
We'll do our best to take care of your children and wife.
{looking forward to hearing you sing again}
You are so sweet laur :) This is beautiful. I don't think the Stouts could be surrounded by more loving neighbors at this time. Randy was a awesome guy!